If you’re looking for a comprehensive, cost effective alternative to any type of outpatient facility, Compassionate Helpers is the choice for you. Let our staff take the emotional strain associated with finding a facility more easier for you.
Our staff will use your recent cat scans , MRI , medical records , MD orders , & EKG to determine the best plan of care for you.
We are here to help when you need us
Why choose our therapist’s ?
Our outpatient facility is award winning care services. If you or a love one has been injured in a car accident , work related or experiencing chronic pain. Our therapist are highly educated , qualified and licensed to help you. Ask your therapist about our education center and specialized home care plans.
Our daily physical therapist
We provide traveling therapist & nurses around the clock that are able to assist with care services such as rehabilitation services.
Rehabilitation Center
Lifestyle support
Improve Mobility and Strength: A physical therapy program can assist you in restoring mobility. With many different exercises, strength training activities and the proper equipment, it is possible to reduce pain, and in some cases, eliminate the cause of the problem. Physical therapists have a good understanding about the limitations of the body and can help you regain mobility in the joints without a lot of pain. Your physical therapist will recommend and guide you through the therapy, working on the affected joints and muscles until mobility and strength have been improved.
Pain Relief: Ultrasound and electrical stimulation treatments are used to diminish pain and accelerate the physical therapy treatments. With these treatments, electrical currents and high frequency sound waves are used to restore blood flow to the affected tissue. Physical therapists use this approach as an effective way to provide quick alleviation of pain.
Maintain Wellness and Fitness: Physical therapy can also help you improve your wellness and fitness and enjoy long life and good health. Your physical therapist can examine your functional skills and your needs for moving around your home and community, and then devise ways that will increase your potential for living a productive and satisfying life. The program your physical therapist designs for you might include assistive forms of technologies you need to help you reach you goals..